






Nó là một cái ba lô thực tế, và đi vòng quanh đường phố thì an toàn

Tôi có thể lấy máy ảnh ra bất cứ lúc nào. Thật tiện quá


@The United Arab Emirates
I love Korin Design backpacks!

The design of this bag really attracted me, so I bought it and used it right away!

Design very style is very cool so feel very good!
The ClickPack Pro is a super comfortable backpack with plenty of space, and with great protection and safety in mind.
@भारत में
मुझे वास्तव में डिजाइन पसंद है, और मैं वास्तव में इसका उपयोग करने के लिए उत्सुक हूं।
वास्तव में, यह एक शानदार डिजाइन है जो मुझे पूरी तरह से सशस्त्र यात्रा करने में मदद करता है।
Yeah, I enjoyed this backpack, since I had it for a month approximately.

It was really comfortable to wear it and It had a lot safe features and the size was totally satisfied me.
Lo consiguió aquí en Perú, y lo usó mucho.

Me caso de que estoy trabajando en un espacio más o menos público, y sólo tengo que ir a un parpadeo (como cuarto de baño) - puse objetos de valor en la mochila que se asegura con la cadena, y voy seguro.

El relleno interior es tan suave que a veces no uso la carcasa de la laptop.

Recibí mi mochila y se ve fantástico, no puedo esperar a traerlo conmigo en mi próxima excursión!

¡Gracias al equipo de Korin y a todos los que hicieron esto posible!
Korin Design understood the whole creating process.From a great idea, to keeping backers in the loop and well informed and delivering a product that is even better than expected.
I absolutely love my ClickPack Pro! I use it every single day. I probably have 20 backpacks, and this BY FAR is the best designed ideation of a backpack I have ever seen.

I can’t fathom what could be done to make it better.Thanks to Korin for the design.
Mine is perfect! just got it before my cruise ship trip to Alaska.

I enjoyed to have it in my back, felt secure and everything fitted simply good.

I loved toiletries bag.
@Česká republika
Obvykle jsem buď na turné, nebo na cestě na turné. Clickpack Pro je můj důvěryhodný a důležitý nástroj.
Stylový, praktický a lehký-je to nejlepší batoh, který jsem kdy použil.

I've used my pack daily since June 2017 , with no apparent signs of wear.

This is one of my favourite Kickstarter products so far.